
Experience Live Presents #3 Logo & The Sleeves

Joined the live event in Experience on Saturday 17th of July.
Experience is one of live bars in Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Chris B sometimes arrange this kind of event at Experience and we can enjoy live music played by local bands.

I moved to Experience after enjoying Japanese soul band "Hina
beya" in the Wanch.
I will write about them later.
When I moved there, Logo just started playing. I saw them one year ago in the Wanch.
Logo is the band that is formed by one Hong Kong Chinese girl (Bass) and two Western guys (Guitar and Drum).
Their music was like 60's rock'n'roll + light punk. It made me think of Tarantino's films.
It's formed by dull guitar sound and heavy bass sound. This band vocalist is playing the drum.

The last band was my favorite band "The Sleeves".
I first watched their gig in the Wanch several years ago and they were very impressive.
I liked the former vocal Stewart very much. He used to sing with no shirt and barefoot.
He looked so sexy! And of course, I liked his voice very much.
When he left this band, I was so shocked.
But one guitarist Keith handed over his position and he is soooo good. Very powerful and cute!
They are one of great independent bands who usually play their original music.
Their music is called "Arcade Rock" but I really don't know what style of music it is.

This song is very catchy!!!

The Sleeves will play in Macau on 29th of July.
DATE: Friday 29th July 2011, 10:30pm
VENUE: Blue Frog Bar & Grill

I had a great time with two good friends Mika and Mart.
Thanx a lot, Sleeves!!!

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